There is no magic solution to being organized and constantly on top of things. And there is no perfect way to practice self care. However, I’ve made it a priority to work on finding a great self care morning routine. I know this is an easy but practical way for me to practice self care, all while creating a routine to set my intention for the day. My self care morning routine might not be exactly the same as yours, but I hope that it will inspire you to find what works best for you. And I hope you’ll take the time to share what you love doing to take care of yourself in the morning so we can all continue to learn, and grow, and change.
Drink Water
The first self care practice that I had to work hard to implement was to drink water in the morning. I’ve always taken a sip or two when I wake up because my throat is often dry. But I never got into the routine of actually drinking a full glass (or more) of water. And the only way to make that happen was to write it down as part of my self care morning routine.
I was also motivated by buying myself a new water bottle!
Go For A Walk
Now that we have a dog, I am finally going out for walks every single morning. It’s a great way to get some exercise in at the beginning of the day, plus you’ll get some great fresh air to wake you up. We typically walk between 10-30 minutes every morning, depending on the weather.

Eat Breakfast
Everyone always told me that a healthy breakfast is the best way to start the day. Well, everyone except my dad – he never ate breakfast, and in turn we hardly ever ate breakfast either. I actually only started eating breakfast when I was in University, and I’m slowly but surely figuring out what I like to eat for breakfast that will motivate me to not skip the meal.
A new favourite recipe I just tried out are the Angel Cakes from Fraiche Food.

Brush Teeth
Dental hygiene is so incredibly important – especially for people with a sweet tooth like me. My flossing routine is at night time, so I brush my teeth after I’ve had breakfast to start my day with a fresh, clean mouth.
Skin Care
My skincare routine is very simple and quick. I have a Rodan & Fields regimen that consists of 4 different products, plus an eye cream that I apply every morning and night. The Soothe Regimen is my curent line of products because I have sensitive skin. The products that I use are as follows:
- Gentle Cream Wash
- Sensitive Skin Treatment
- Multi-Function Eye Cream
- Moisture Replenish Cream
- Mineral Sunscreen
I occasionally switch up the Mineral Sunscreen for my Vivier Triple Protection Sunscreen.
Make Up
I’m not very consistent when it comes to applying make up. To motivate myself to do so a bit more, I’ve been trying to make it a goal to use up all the products that I own, or to give them away if I’m not using them. So that means making more of an effort to use up my makeup, all of which can be found in my minimalist make up bag.
The most important thing about my self care morning routine is the fact that I’m choosing what I do in a mindful way every morning. I love the feeling of getting up and knowing I can accomplish a few small things that will help me feel accomplished and motivated for the rest of the day.
Let me know what your morning routine looks like, even if it’s not quite a routine at all. Some people thrive when everything is scheduled, whereas others blossom by enjoying the freedom of doing what feels good on that specific day. Whichever type of person you are, make sure to find balance and happiness in the little things that start your day.
Pas vraiment de routine par ici, mais je savoure chaque matin le plaisir renouvelé de la douche et du café du matin!
Je devrais instaurer une petite routine soin de la peau. Quand je prends le temps de le faire, j’en retire un réel plaisir! A ajouter sur ma To Do List! 🤞🏻
Les meilleures matinées sont celles où on prend le temps d’appécrier les beaux petits moments de la vie!