Yup, that’s right, I hosted/attended my very own staff party for Tiny Adventures. Max was busy, so I was unable to insert a joke about Shania Twain, but it was a fun event nevertheless. A solo holiday party for my side-hustle.
I knew I had to make this first staff party pretty special, so I decided to go all out. But then came my first big dilemma… I needed to go out for supplies but I was stuck at home by myself with only the standard car in the drive way. Oh Dear.
I stood at the entrance of the house for a good 20 minutes debating if I should go out with the car or if I should try to find everything I needed at nearby stores and get some (much needed) exercise. After much debate, I mustered up the courage and I got into the car.

Well, if you followed my Insta story, you will know that despite stalling twice, I did make it downtown in one piece. Ouf. I had to run an errand at Chapters and that was the one place I was dreading driving to. By the time I made it into the store, I was shaking from my driving experience, so I grabbed a few books and went to sit down in a corner to read.
I stayed there for quite a while, regaining my composure, and ended up reading about half of Lagom: The Swedish Art Of Balanced Living by Linnea Dunne. It was actually really great, so I guess I’ll have to go to the library after the new year and see if they have it on the shelf.
I may or may not have also done some browsing for Christmas Gift ideas again, but come on, how can you not?! Everything is so beautiful there!
When I was finally brave enough to face the traffic again, I headed off in the VW, trying to take only the “back roads.” Let me tell you that there are no “back road” anywhere leading from the mall to our house. And guess what? I stalled AGAIN! I had initially planned to stop at two more places but I was out of patience/confidence so I went straight home. You might be wondering how I ended up getting my supplies then. Well, I guess in the end I did get my exercise in for the day because I decided to change into my workout clothes and run all the way to the nearest Shoppers Drugmart.
They didn’t have everything I needed/I am so cheap I am not buying something overpriced, so I dropped off the mail, looked to see if Max was there, and then ran back home. I told myself I would make due with what I had at home.
The run home was weirdly exhausting, which is weird because it actually felt good when I started and I didn’t even stop once on the way there. By the time I got home, it was later than I had planned, so I was glad to see that leftover Slowcooker Lasagna in the fridge. I was in a good mood – woohoo for endorphins! – so I decided I would take the time to make a salad to go with my lasagna. (Don’t worry, the staff party ruined all these good healthy choices)
So after picking Max up from work, we relaxed a bit and then I finally started actually preparing stuff for the party. My brother was nice enough to let me borrow his car to get a few things I really wanted to make extra food, you know, for all the guests (me).
It was a pretty crazy party. There was wine, there were a million snacks, there were even awards given out.
Make sure you check out the video to see more and leave me some comments below!
I’m blessed to be part of an amazing community of bloggers who also do ridiculous stuff like this, so make sure you head over to the following pages to check out other Solo Holiday Parties that took place all across the Maritimes!
Heather’s been going strong on her 5th year – Heather’s Handmade Life
Kerra’s doing her first solo holiday party, just like me – Eat Drink And Be You
Suzi had a (not quite) solo party that looked AMAZING, with some Ugly Sweater Cookies and crafts – Confessions Of A Fitness Instructor
Jones, the Office Manager Cat had quite the party as well – HalitraxHalitrax
Lori had a cat involved too. Are cats and bloggers always associated? – Farm Fresh Style