As you probably know, Max and I are saving money to buy land and build our very own Tiny House. Sometimes we work a lot, but other times work is a bit slow so we try to find ways to earn a bit of extra money. So today I thought I would take the time to give you some of our best tips on making extra money.
Sell Your Stuff
This is an easy one for us. Because we’re downsizing, we need to get rid of some of our stuff, and selling it seems like the best idea. We’ve actually been pretty successful so far by doing the following things:
- Sell on various websites – Kijiji, Facebook Market Place, Apps such as Let Go
- Pick the right price – do your research before you put a price on your stuff, you might get more than you hoped!
- Choose the right time of year to sell – November, December and January are not great times to sell your stuff; prime-time for selling second-hand items: when people get their income tax money and summer time
- Make sure to take good picture of the items you’re trying to sell!

Rent Your Spare Room
Have you ever heard of AirBnB? It’s this amazing website where you can put up your spare room, or even your entire home for rent. We started doing this to earn a bit more money almost a whole year ago and it’s been great! We got to meet lots of great new people and the income didn’t hurt either.
The best part about this website is that it allows you to choose between letting people automatically book your rented space, or do it on by approval only. We decided to go with approval only so we can choose who stays with us, and on which dates. You can also edit your calendar, add information on what is available for guests and what is not, and you can choose how much you want to charge per night.
If you have the space, it’s definitely worth renting on AirBnB. Thinking about becoming a host yourself? If you use our referral code to sign up, we both get an extra bonus after you’ve had your first guest!
Get A Second Job
This is where we’re at right now. I just recently applied for a part time job at a sports complex close to our house. Initially, I had applied for the position of receptionist, whose hours are at night time, only 2 or 3 times per week. This works well with my other job (once I start up again) because I only work days. But when I went in for the interview, I was surprised that they also offered to give me some shifts in the daycare if I was interested, since I already had the experience. I gladly accepted and I’m starting my first shift today!
If you can manage to find a job that is flexible the way that I did, it’s a great way to earn a bit of extra money, which you can even put aside for something special you might be saving for!
Offer Your Services
This one might sound a bit odd, but I don’t mean it that way. What I mean by offering your services is to let people know you’d be willing to help them out by doing something you’re good at. For example, I love cleaning. So when I saw that someone had posted on Facebook saying they were looking for someone to clean their house, I took the opportunity to message that person and tell them I would be happy to help. And just like that, I’m earning an extra $30-40 just for cleaning once a week!
We want to hear from you – what is your best tip when it comes to making extra money? Let us know in the comments!