Plastic Free July Challenge: Reducing Plastic Waste

Have you heard of Plastic Free July? If not, I’m guessing you’re here to find out what it is! It all started in Australia in 2011 when a group of people challenged themselves to reduce landfill waste by avoiding or reusing single-use plastic. The goal: to reduce our ecological footprint, to live in a world without so much plastic.

Did you know that almost everything you buy at the grocery store comes wrapped in some sort of plastic? I don’t think I’ve ever been so aware as I am now of this fact. I went to Costco with my grocery list and noticed there were only two things I could purchase that didn’t have any plastic packaging – a watermelon and carbonated juice in glass bottles. Wow.


If you’re in Moncton like we are, there’s this amazing event going on right now called Festival Inspire. They launched the Plastic Free July challenge on their website to encourage everyone to do their part in reducing the amount of waste that ends up in our landfills. They are especially focused on targeting the top 4 – plastic bags, plastic straws, plastic lids, and plastic bottles.

To join the movement and participate in this year’s Plastic Free July challenge, head over to their website to register. You can also visit a Facebook Page that was created to help and encourage people in their eco-friendly efforts.


There’s no starter pack for this challenge, but I thought I would share some thing that would be very useful when you decide to go Plastic Free.

Metal Straws

Let’s stop using plastic straws altogether! It’s easy, it’s cheap, and it will have a HUGE impact on our ecological footprint. Here’s a link to my favourite metal straws, cleaner included!

Travel Mugs

No more using disposable coffee cups! Or at the very least, ditch the lid and just drink from the paper cup. I have a variety of travel mugs, but I gotta say I’m a little obsessed with Contigo bottles because they keep my drink warm an entire day!! Also, leak proof so that’s a major win.


Bread Bag

You can bring your own bread bag to the bakery to eliminate the plastic bag! It’s a win win: you get fresh bread, and you don’t throw out plastic!


Abeego Beeswax Wrap

We are so happy we switched over to beeswax wrap and stopped using plastic wrap in the house! Abeego makes really good quality wrap and they’re available both locally and online.

Reusable Bags

Bring your own bags when you go out! I always carry an extra bag with me and I’ve just recently switched over to cotton bags like these:



There are lots of places in Moncton that are getting on board the the Plastic Free July Challenge so I thought it would be great to make up a list of where you can shop to avoid plastic.

  • Tomavo Fruits – No more plastic shopping bags! They offer boxes but encourage customers to bring their own bags.
  • La Coffee Shop – They are offering FREE COFFEE if you bring your own travel mug!!
  • Sequoia – So many great environmentally friendly products are available at Sequoia. They also have a contest on Facebook right now for your chance to win some gorgeous cotton bags!
  • Corn Crib – You can find lots of bulk products at Corn Crib so no need for all the plastic packaging; just bring your own containers to refill with whatever you need!
  • Dolma Food – An amazing spot to buy eco-friendly, local and bulk products. I just stepped foot in Dolma for the first time this month, and it won’t be my last visit!
  • Moncton Market – One of my all time favourite places to visit, where loads and loads of vendors sell handmade items, usually with little to no packaging. There are too many vendors to name, so you’ll have to go check it out for yourself! Oh, and I should also note that a lot of the food vendors will gladly put your food in a container instead of the plastic packaging so don’t be shy – ask away!
  • Liquid Gold – Olive oils can be found in glass bottles at Liquid Gold in Moncton. Beautiful shop, highly recommend checking it out!
  • EZ Eco – Amazing sustainable products available online or at pop-up shops!
  • Boutique Caprice – Making sustainable choices when it comes to fashion can be challenging. But not when you have an incredible shop like Boutique Caprice nearby!
  • My Home Mercantile – You can find lots of eco-friendly products at My Home Mercantile in Moncton, including cotton bags, adorable snack bags, candles in glass jars, and much more.

And there are SO many other places to shop, too many to name. If you have other places to share to add onto this list, please let us know in the comments!

Have you decided to join the Plastic-Free July Challenge? If so, what changes are you making in your life to participate in the challenge? Leave us a note in comments, we’d love to hear from you!

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