Moncton is a beautiful place to live. Which is precisely why I started this series called Sunday Mornings in Moncton. Every week I share some information about events, news, activities, and businesses in the Greater Moncton area. Please share with family, friends and colleagues to help support local.
Phenomenal Women Award Luncheon
Business Professional Women of Greater Moncton (BPW) are organizing their annual Phenomenal Women Award Luncheon this Wednesday, March 27th at 11AM. The luncheon will be taking place at Legend’s Restaurant in the Moncton Coliseum at 377 Killam Drive. The finalists who have been nominated for this award are:
- Lisa Ryan from the YMCA Reconnect Program
- Susy Campos of Community Grants Associates Inc
- Melody Munro, owner of Wee College
Adult Book Swap
So many great activities are happening in Greater Moncton lately and it’s all thanks to business who are open minded about hosting these events. One that I am personally very excited about is an Adult Book Swap organized by Close To The Heart on Saturday March 30th at 10:30AM.
The activity is free of charge. You just have to make sure to drop off your books ahead of time so that they can organize everything before the day of the event.
Beer Garden & Shipping Container Restaurant To Open in Moncton
Moncton Beer Garden And Container Restaurant Will Open May Long Weekend
Chef Gene Cormier and his wife Susan will be opening Euston Park Social in Moncton the long weekend of May. This spot will feature a beer garden and a restaurant located in a shipping container. This seasonal spot will be open from May to September at 5 Euston Street. Gene says that he wants to showcase the best that New Brunswick has to offer.
“It’s not about the fine-dining. It’s about hanging out with your friends, have a nice night or a nice day. We’ll be doing brunch. We want families coming in,” he said.
Spectacle du Choeur Louisbourg
Le Choeur Louisbourg sera en tournée cette semaine pour vous présenter un spectacle d’oeuvres de Marc-Antoine Charpentier. Leur spectacle à Dieppe aura lieu le lundi 25 mars à l’Église St-Anselme à partir de 19h30.
Voici une vidéo de Téléjournal Acadie portant à ce sujet:
Reverie Hair Loft
Our featured local business of the week is Reverie Hair Loft. Located at 3 Cross Street near the intersection of McLaughlin and Elmwood, they have created a beautiful space for men and women of all ages to come enjoy a relaxing hair appointment. The hair loft itself has a wonderful look to it and is very aesthetically pleasing – you feel calm and collected right as you step into the door. Their hair stylists are exceptional as well – from ashy highlights to platinum blonde, these ladies can make it happen. It might take some time, but everyone at Reverie is committed to using products and techniques that will keep you hair healthy and strong.